ConfigurationR2 Configuration

If you do not wish to (or can’t) use local storage, an alternative way to upload images is to configure R2. It’s free.

Create account and login to the console

Go to the Cloudflare Dashboard, and register if needed, then login.

New Bucket

In the dashboard sidebar, and head to the R2 page.

Create a new Bucket.

  • Choose Automatic
  • Choose Standard

Create your R2 Token by clicking “Manage R2 API Tokens”

Under “Permissions” choose “Object Read & Write” and under “Specify bucket(s)” search for your created Bucket.

After the R2 Token was created, copy your “Access Key ID” and “Secret Access Key”

Copy the information respectfully into your .env environment.

CLOUDFLARE_REGION="region (like wnam)"

Custom Domain and CORS policies

Go to configuration and connect a custom domain (if you don’t have one, you can use the one that CloudFlare provides.) Add it to your .env file.


Click to edit the CORS policy and add the following JSON:

    "AllowedOrigins": [
    "AllowedMethods": [
    "AllowedHeaders": [
    "ExposeHeaders": [
    "MaxAgeSeconds": 3600