
Sometimes, things can go wrong, or you need some help!

Note that the Self Hosted version of Postiz is supported by the community in their free time, on a best-efforts basis. Please post your question and be patient.

How to effectively ask for support

Try to follow this guide when asking for support, in this order; Goal, Environment, Changes, Results.

  • Goal: Start off by explaining what you were trying to do

    • I want to schedule a post on Reddit at 6pm
    • I want to run in a Linux container on a Raspberry Pi
    • I want to use a custom domain name
  • Environment: - Share the relevant parts about your environment. Web App issues; Are you using Firefox, Chrome, etc? Installation/Other issues; a Mac, Linux, Windows, how did you install?

    • I'm using Firefox on Windows 10
    • I'm using a Raspberry Pi 4 with Ubuntu 20.04, and Node version 18
    • This is a new installation on a Mac
  • Changed: - Most likely something has changed, what is it?

    • I updated my browser to the latest version and now ...
    • I found a change in the latest version and now ...
    • I think this used to work, but now...
  • Results: - What happened? What did you expect to happen?

    • I see a blank screen
    • I see an error message
    • I see a 404 page