
What is Postiz?

Postiz helps you to manage all your social media accounts

  • Schedule social media and articles.
  • Generate posts with AI
  • Exchange or buy posts from other members.


Postiz is an NX monorepo (opens in a new tab) that contains a backend, a frontend, workers, cron jobs and the docs.

Unlike other NX project, this project has one .env file that is shared between all the apps.
It makes it easier to develop and deploy the project.

When deploying to websites like Railway (opens in a new tab) or Heroku (opens in a new tab), you can use a shared environment variables for all the apps.

It has four main components:

  • frontend - NextJS control panel serving as the admin dashboard for the project.
  • backend - NestJS backend that serves as the API for the frontend.
  • cron - NestJS cron jobs that run every X to update the database with new trending, refresh tokens and more.
  • workers - NestJS workers that run every X to process scheduled posts, sync GitHub stars and more.