NOTE: Please be advised that Instagram and Facebook can use the same app (no need to create two separate apps)
Step 1
Create a new app in Facebook developers, choose the business you want to connect it to.
Please be advised that for public applications you would need to verify you business.
Step 2
Select “Other” and click next
Step 3
Then select business
Add all your details and click Create App
Step 4
Set final details
Step 5
Set up login for business
Step 6
Set up a redirect URI back to the application
The OAuth2 Redirect URI is the location where the provider will redirect to after trying to login. This needs to set to your Postiz FRONTEND_URL
+ /integrations/social/
+ facebook
- eg: If you are running on a container, and your Postiz URL is:
, then your OAuth2 Redirect URI is
- eg: If you are running on localhost, and your Postiz URL is
, then your OAuth2 Redirect URI ishttp://localhost:4200/integrations/social/facebook
You only need to set one OAuth2 Redirect URI when you are setting up your Postiz app.
Step 7
Go to advanced permission and request access for the following scopes:
Note: If your Postiz install is for personal use only these advanced permissions are not required for Postiz to function.
Step 8
Change the App Mode from ‘Development’ to ‘Live’. If you do not do this then posts made via the API will display for yourself but will not be visible for other users.
Step 9
Go to basic permissions copy your App ID and App Secret and paste them in your .env
Facebook should now be working!