Docker (standalone)

NOTE: This page is marked "earlydoc", or "early documentation", which means it might be brief, or contain information about parts of the app that are under heavy development. If you encounter issues with instructions found here, please check out the support page for options.

This is a not a recommended installation option.

The instructions on this page are provided for more advanced or custom installations. Please only use these if the standard options don't fit your needs.

Set environment variables

Postiz configuration is entirely via environment variables for now. You might be used to setting environment variables when starting containers, however postiz needs a LOT of environment variables, so setting these on command line or in a docker-compose is probably not practical for long term maintainability.

It is recommended to use a .env file, which the Postiz containers look for in /config. Docker will automatically create this file for you on a docker volume the first time you start up Postiz.

The default .env file can be found here; example .env file (opens in a new tab)

Create the container on command line

docker create --name postiz -v ./config:/config -p 4200:4200 -p 3000:3000

Controlling container services

When the environment variable POSTIZ_APPS is not set, or is set to an empty string, all services will be started in a single container. This is normally fine for small, personal deployments.

However, you can only start specific services within the docker container by changing this environement variable.

If you need to scale, you can experiement with having multiple containers defined like;

  • Frontend only: POSTIZ_APPS="frontend"
  • Backend only: POSTIZ_APPS="backend"
  • Worker and Cron only: POSTIZ_APPS="worker cron"

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